Providing Opportunities for Growth in Body, Mind, and Spirit
With SSI, Medicaid, and assets under $2000, your SSI & Medicaid will cover the costs. If you don't get SSI, you may still qualify for Medicaid funding. We'll help you find out.
If MHMR or your MRA said you have or soon will have an HCS slot, the costs will be covered. If you already are receiving HCS service, you can change to another provider anytime.
Private Payment:
If private payment is an option for you, we can determine what the fees would be, based on various assessments of your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions
Rock House has been serving individuals with special lives since 1979. In that time we have learned a great deal! We'll continue learning and improving, because we are dedicated to offering the best possible services and to being here as long as you need us.
We'd love to give you a tour and answer your questions. Just contact the home office in Stephenville or any of our locations on the CONTACT US page.
Q: What is Rock House's mission statement or philosophy?
A: To provide opportunities for personal fulfillment in body, mind and spirit to persons with developmental disabilities and related conditions.
Q: Why did Rock House decide to serve persons with developmental disabilities?
A: Brad and Nancy Allen felt drawn to serve people with developmental disabilities and founded Rock House to do this.
Q: How long has Rock House been providing these services?
A: Since October 1, 1979.
Q: How many persons does Rock House serve presently?
A: Rock House currently serves over 500 people.
Q: Do you have a reference list of families Rock House has served that I can talk to?
A: Please contact us if you would like a list of references. Our Families would welcome visiting with you.
Q: How much experience do the Rock House employees have serving persons with developmental disabilities, mental illness, autism, etc?
A: We have lots of experience serving people with these and other diagnoses.
Q: What level of training, experience, and required credentialing does Rock House require for employees?
A: Rock House employees have extensive training, experience and credentials, and the training continues.
Q: Describe ways you involve the individual, guardian, and familiy memebers in developing the program, and how Rock House incorporates family preferences if they differ.
A: Rock House goes beyond just inviting the family to the program development staffings. We schedule around family need or have conference calls and get input before and after staffings from the individual and family when the family is unable to attend. Because we are committed to person centered planning, we are on board with the person and his/her family in meeting the needs and wants of the person.
Q: Does Rock House have experienced and professional employees who train new employees or provide mentoring?
A: Absolutely. The average amount of experience of each of our Program Directors exceeds 20 years.
Q: What are your back up procedures when there is an emergency? What procedures will employees implement in a crisis? Does Rock House train employees in crisis intervention. Explain.
A: All staff are trained in emergency interventions. We have a 24-hour/7 days-a-week professional person on-call to assist in a crisis.
We all have CPR and crisis intervention training. In addition, each person served who is known to be at risk has a plan in place to address the risk.
Q: How does Rock House develop plans for person with behavior problems? Are plans approved by a Behavior Therapy Committee, Human Rights Committee, or by a psychiatrist? If a Human Rights Committee reviews plans, is the Human Rights Committee made up of outside members, professionals, parents, and individuals?
A: Plans are developed by the whole team, drafted by a professional staff member with experience in writing behavior plans, and reviewed and approved by one or more of the following: psychologist, psychiatrist, Human Rights Committee.
The Human Rights Committee membership is made up of outside members in specific categories as outlined in the state regulations.
Q: What are Rock House's policies regarding visitors?
A: Visitors for our residents are welcome at any time, and we strongly encourage home visits.
Q: What are your policies regarding privacy?
A: We are sensitive and respectful in protecting each person's privacy. We guard it as we would guard our personal privacy.
Q: What type of leisure/recreational activities will be available at Rock House? Are staff available to support my family member to participate in activities in the community? Does the individual choose their daily routine?
A: Rock House helps people participate in community, church and Special Olympics activities, and other things such as movies, sports, eating out, shopping, volunteer work, etc. Rock House also offers many parties, dances, picnics, camping trips, etc.
Assistance and encouragement are provided for people to enjoy or develop leisure activities. Each individual chooses his/her daily routine as part of the program development, and changes can be made as desired.
Q: What type of transportation does Rock House provide?
A: We provide transportation to program activities and assist each person to arrange safe transportation to places he or she chooses to go.
Q: How many vehicles do you have? Is there one for each house?
A: We have at least one for each house.
Q: How do you accomodate persons who are not ambulatory?
A: We ensure accessability for activities and in the person's house, programs, and work sites.
Q: Do you have employees who speak other languages or are interpreter's available?
A: Yes.
Q: How do you accommodate persons who are nonverbal?
A: We work with the family, speech therapists, and communication specialists to accommodate a person who is nonverbal, using sign, communication cards or boards, electronic devices, or whatever works best.
Q: What provision will your company make for my family member to attend the religious service of his or her choice?
A: We assist people who are interested in finding the church of their choice and facilitate transportation and participation.
Q: What is your staff-to-individual ratio?
A: The ratio varies depending on what the activity is and what each individual needs.
Q: How and where will my family member be cared for when he or she is ill?
A: Promoting and maintaining health is a big priority at Rock House, and our systems are designed to do this. When someone is too ill to follow their schedule, they are cared for at their home or the hospital if needed.
Q: Do you have medical employees on site or on call for medical or dental issues? Are medical employees willing to practice/rehearse with my family member what to expect when going to the doctor, hospital, or dentist?
A: Yes.
Q: What choices will my family member have concerning day programming, vocational training, supported employment, etc?
A: We work with realistic options and each individual's preferences and abilities to come up with opportunities to work. If the person is not ready for work, we provide skills training to help them move toward work. When working is not an appropriate goal, we provide meaningful activities to help increase the person's in dependence and inclusion. Rock House owns and operates their own Day Habilitation Programs and Training Centers and has a lot of success putting people to work.
Q: Describe how employees train individuals in daily living skills.
A: The techniques used to train people vary depending on what the person needs and what works for the individual. We may use hand-over-hand training, verbal guidance, a reminder, or an individually designed chart. A typical training approach: Explain it, demonstrate it, physically assist the person in doing it, verbally guide them in doing it, help them assess the effectiveness of what they did, and give them lots of practice in doing it with whatever supervision is needed. We use extensive role play, repetition, encouragement, and then heap on the praise!
Q: What geographical locations does Rock House serve?
A: North Central Texas: Cleburne, Eastland, Fort Worth, Stephenville. West Texas: Midland, Odessa. Central Texas: Georgetown. Panhandle: Lubbock.
Check out the map on the locations page.
Q: Will the home serving my family member be located in close proximity to school/day program/place of employment?
A: Yes.
Q: How does Rock House build community awareness about persons with dissabilities moving into their neighborhood? How does Rock House resolve concerns from neighbors?
A: The folks we serve are recognized as good neighbors in each of the communites where we operate, so this is not a problem.
Q: Describe your complaint process.
A: Report any concerns to the house manager, the QIDP, or Program Director. If your concerns are not satisfactorily addressed and resolved, contact the Home Office Consumer Rights Officer or CEO.
Q: Do you lease or own your residential homes? Are the leases short-term or long-term leases?
A: We own all our homes.
Q: What screening do you require when employees are hired (drug screen, criminal background check, abuse/neglect)?
A: We screen each employee's record for driving, criminal history, and abuse/neglect, and we prohibit the use of alcohol and illegal drugs.